Monday, August 08, 2005

bias, huh?

David, whose wit and style I respect, paid respects to the currently late Peter Jennings. But we are on different political planets. Not being one to watch any television news except for C-Span, and occasionally the local news, I can't say I know much about Mr. Jennings. I followed the link to bias that David posted, and I just don't get it. The titles they give to the quotes require a lot of reading between the lines to see the bias. Here's one example:

Only naive racists support welfare reform: “The welfare debate has been getting more intense, ever since President Reagan regularly vilified what he referred to as the ‘welfare queens.’ Attitudes about people on welfare are sometimes based more on myth than reality. Most welfare mothers have only one or two children. Most welfare mothers had their first child when they were adults, not teenagers. Most people on welfare are not black.”— World News
Tonight, January 12, 1995.

I sure don't see his comments as calling anyone a "naive racist." Seems to me somebody's being overly sensitive. Maybe I don't understand what connotation of bias is being used. I can't say that Peter Jennings didn't have a liberal bias. I can say that Media Research Center didn't make the case. I think you'd have to approach it already believing that Mr. Jennings had a liberal bias to see it in the quotes they used.

So I guess what I'm saying is that they had to bias their bias report to make it say what they wanted it to say.


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