Saturday, October 15, 2005

Bush Bashing

So my paranoid self wonders, is the Bush Administration's current woes (have you seen those approval ratings?) truly their own corrupt fanatic foolishness finally catching up with them? Or is it part of their evil genious plot to make sure a Democrat is in office to deal with the aftermath of them running our country into the quicksand of war, debt, and complete moronic lies such as Intelligent Design is a science? I forget where I read it, but I loved the line, "Tax and spend has become borrow and spend." I could google it, but that would be like research, and I'm following the President's lead and fixing the intelligence to support my opinion. I just wish my opinion led to my friends making billions of dollars.

Hey all you Bush supporters out there (sure seems like there's a lot less of you) what do you think of our deficit? I bet you want to cut services to the poor, huh? And just what percent of the federal budget is that anyways? Any chance you'd be willing to cut corporate subsidies? How's about if Haliburton employees get paid the same wages as soldiers, retroactively, and they pass the savings on to the tax payers?

Damn, it didn't work. I don't feel any better. Still disgusted, angry. I think I'll go back to apathetic.


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