Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm not this extreme

but I relate very much to this essay:


It's been a while since I've had a persistent episode, and it's hard to remember what it feels like when it's not happening. It totally sucks. I always have to wade through my own thinking to have confidence that I'm thinking clearly enough to make a sound decision. Quitting psychedelics was one of the best things I've ever accomplished.

I've been reading his site, and identified with this to a disturbing degree:


And here is another I really enjoyed:


I especially related to this quote:
What upset me was the realization that despite my best efforts to maintain a firm grounding in reality, I knew that even perfectly sane people could be fooled into killing themselves quite enthusiastically. I knew that I could be fooled too, if I wasn't careful.
It is for this very reason that I'm so rabidly opposed to things I perceive as superstition. I had some friends who got deep into the Rajneesh thing. No thank you.


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