Wishing for Better Bush Bashing
I started this blog as a comment on Fred’s entry, but got going so ferverently, that I figured I should take up my own space with it.
When Clinton was in office, Rush Limbaugh and others were Clinton bashing radio shows. The right are ruthless;while Clinton was President, more bullets were fired at the white house than during any other presidency.1 The right spread rumors that the Clintons had Vince Foster killed. The right will do or say most anything to support their side. Millions of dollars spent and all that was proved was infidelity. They actually went as far as impeachment over it.
The left are slightly less prone to blind devotion; not all the left spare their own. Michael Moore, among others, had intense criticisms of Clinton and Gore. At the time, he asserted that the Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same, and had reasonable evidence to back his claim. This view was fuel for the Nader campagin. After Bush got in office by Supreme Court appointment, and has led us to this all out money grab, the appointment of religiously driven leaders rather than science based leaders in such offices as the EPA and FDA, the liberals realized that there is a dramatic difference between Democrats and Republicans.
The problem with our government is that unethical power hungry egomaniacs, backed by sociopaths and unethical wealth/power addicts, supported by narrow minded ignorant fanatics are the ones in office. Reasonable and decent people aren’t as driven to seek power, and the masses like watching fear factor or the 700 club instead of C-span. Do you want social fries with that hamburger health plan?
Bush is much more the front of greed, sociopathy, and ignorant fanaticism than probably any president ever. If you’re not bashing Bush, then you’re not angry.If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. Or you believe that a small group of people should have most of the wealth and power and that murder is a perfectly acceptable way to maintain that social structure, and you likely believe that because you hope to be one of the wealthy ones. Or you’re uninformed and ignorant, e.g. you believe fox is actually reporting news. Or you know that bashing is uncivilized, uncouth, and though perhaps effective, you know that means don’t justify ends. Ah but bashing is so much easier than constructing well formed arguments based on cited facts, and since the mass of America is fairly illiterate, and it’s only a small swing vote that can be influenced, what’s the point of doing the work? Bash away and hope they either swing, or stay home.
Democracy is not two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. It’s a few hundred wolves and millions of sheep deciding what’s for dinner.
1I struck this claim out because I could find nothing to substantiate it. I've taken to heart the bumper sticker: "Don't believe everything you think."
When Clinton was in office, Rush Limbaugh and others were Clinton bashing radio shows. The right are ruthless;
The left are slightly less prone to blind devotion; not all the left spare their own. Michael Moore, among others, had intense criticisms of Clinton and Gore. At the time, he asserted that the Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same, and had reasonable evidence to back his claim. This view was fuel for the Nader campagin. After Bush got in office by Supreme Court appointment, and has led us to this all out money grab, the appointment of religiously driven leaders rather than science based leaders in such offices as the EPA and FDA, the liberals realized that there is a dramatic difference between Democrats and Republicans.
The problem with our government is that unethical power hungry egomaniacs, backed by sociopaths and unethical wealth/power addicts, supported by narrow minded ignorant fanatics are the ones in office. Reasonable and decent people aren’t as driven to seek power, and the masses like watching fear factor or the 700 club instead of C-span. Do you want social fries with that hamburger health plan?
Bush is much more the front of greed, sociopathy, and ignorant fanaticism than probably any president ever. If you’re not bashing Bush, then you’re not angry.If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. Or you believe that a small group of people should have most of the wealth and power and that murder is a perfectly acceptable way to maintain that social structure, and you likely believe that because you hope to be one of the wealthy ones. Or you’re uninformed and ignorant, e.g. you believe fox is actually reporting news. Or you know that bashing is uncivilized, uncouth, and though perhaps effective, you know that means don’t justify ends. Ah but bashing is so much easier than constructing well formed arguments based on cited facts, and since the mass of America is fairly illiterate, and it’s only a small swing vote that can be influenced, what’s the point of doing the work? Bash away and hope they either swing, or stay home.
Democracy is not two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. It’s a few hundred wolves and millions of sheep deciding what’s for dinner.
1I struck this claim out because I could find nothing to substantiate it. I've taken to heart the bumper sticker: "Don't believe everything you think."