Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring Broke

I had such high hopes for this spring break. As I look back on the week, now more than 1/2 over, I can't really think of much I've accomplished. I'm not smoking, so that's good. I made a bunch of appointments. I did record more parts for Morning and mixed it down and uploaded it. That took most of a day between chores. I set up my old computer next to my recording station so I don't have to move the board everytime I want to mix to computer. I sent a huge mound of sheets and blankets to the thrift store, and filled a garbage can with sheets and clothes that noone would want. I bought some pants that fit my new waist size, though I back up to 161, which is probably healthier than 152. But shopping and cleaning aren't very satisfying. Proabably the most meaningful thing I did was get my son set up to attend Sylvan. Hopefully they'll get his reading skills up. I'm learning again that the constant stiffness and pain in my body are a big source of my reluctance to take on projects. Climbing under the house to work on the wiring is so unappealing. But that's only part of it. It's some brand of laziness or lack of ambition or fear or something. Somehow, I've got to push myself on. So what will I do now once I'm done with this pointless writing exercise? Pick something on the list and do it. First, I think I'll stretch out and walk the dog.


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