Friday, May 26, 2006

Previous post

That is weird. I remember writing it, but I sure don't know why, other than lack of sleep. Right before writing it, I heavily sedated myself in hopes of sleep. I slept, but with crazy crazy dreams, one of which I unfortunately remember and will never tell in hopes it goes away. I'm much more stable today. I have got to learn to put myself to bed and stay in it without chemical assistance. I'm building too much resistance, and that leads to dependency. Insufficient sleep puts me at risk, but addiction would be even worse. I think whatever it was has passed. I feel completely normal again today.


Blogger Fred Mangels said...

You wrote, "I feel completely normal again today.".

You look just fine, as well.

8:02 AM  
Blogger Jeff Kelley said...

Hmm, does that mean you saw me somewhere?

2:00 PM  
Blogger Fred Mangels said...

No, just getting a rise out of you. I'm sure you look just fine, though.

6:59 AM  
Blogger Jeff Kelley said...

I could use a hair cut.

9:05 AM  

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