Thursday, March 30, 2006

Last night was bad

I started losing my grip, pondering departure, and instead of doing the wise thing, going to sleep, I tried to fix the problems I'm having with Windows XP. Bill Gates grew horns and began jabbing me with a red hot trident. Then everybody became part of the conspiracy to ruin my life. There was enough of me left to not buy into it, and I turned the damn machine off. I climbed into bed, and uncharacteristically fell right to sleep. The phone rang sometime after 11, and in a disoriented haze, I was trying to turn off my alarm (I use my cell phone for my alarm clock) almost in tears that it was 6:30 already. Then I realized I was talking on the phone and I looked at the time. Mercifully, the caller said sorry and I hung up, and fortunately fell back asleep. I woke up feeling relatively fine, but I think I'm coming down with something and that probably triggered the episode. It fucking sucks, and I'm amazed I ever get anything done in my life.


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